
Africa Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Africa, pronounced as “Af-ri-kuh,” is a continent located in the eastern hemisphere. It is the second-largest continent in the world, covering about 30.37 million square kilometers. In Urdu, Africa is known as “افریقہ” (Afriqa).

Meanings of Africa in Urdu

  • افریقہ: The name of the continent Africa.
  • مصر: Referring specifically to Egypt, a country in Africa.
  • کالا قارہ: Literally meaning “Black Continent” due to its predominantly dark-skinned population.

Origin of the Word Africa

The word “Africa” is derived from the Latin word “Africus,” which means “sunny” or “hot.” It was originally used to refer to the region of modern-day Tunisia. Over time, the term expanded to encompass the entire continent.

Synonyms of Africa

Some synonyms for Africa include:

  • Continent of Africa
  • African continent
  • Land of Africa

Antonyms of Africa

Antonyms of Africa in Urdu:

  • قارہ: Continent
  • بیرونی: External
  • غیر ملکی: Non-national

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to Africa with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings:

  • Afghanistan (noun) – افغانستان
  • African (adjective) – افریقی
  • Afro-Asian (adjective) – افریقی ایشیائی
  • Afro (noun) – افریقی بال

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  • I dream of visiting Africa one day. (میں ایک دن افریقہ کا دورہ کرنے کا خواب دیکھتا ہوں۔)
  • She is from Egypt, a country in Africa. (وہ مصر سے ہے، افریقہ کا ایک ملک۔)
  • The wildlife in Africa is diverse and fascinating. (افریقہ میں جانوروں کی عظیم تنوع ہے اور وہ دلچسپی سے بھرپور ہیں۔)

For more information about Africa, you can visit the following websites: