
All-Knowing: Pronunciation, Meaning, and Origin


The pronunciation of “all-knowing” is [awl-noh-ing].

Meaning in Urdu:

The meaning of “all-knowing” in Urdu includes:

  1. ہر چیز جاننے والا (har cheez jannay wala)
  2. سب کچھ جاننے والا (sab kuch jannay wala)
  3. ہر بات جاننے والا (har baat jannay wala)


The term “all-knowing” originated from the combination of the words “all” and “knowing.” It is derived from the Old English word “cnawan” meaning “to know.” The prefix “all” emphasizes the complete or comprehensive nature of knowledge.


Some synonyms of “all-knowing” include:

  • Omniscient (مطلع علم)
  • Knowledgeable (جاننے والا)
  • Wise (دانا)


Antonyms of “all-knowing” with their meanings in Urdu are:

  • Ignorant (جاہل)
  • Uninformed (بے خبر)
  • Unaware (غافل)

Nearby Words:

Some nearby words related to “all-knowing” with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
All Adjective سب
Knowing Adjective جاننے والا
Knowledge Noun علم
Known Adjective معروف

Example Sentences:

Here are some example sentences with their Urdu meanings:

  1. The all-knowing professor answered all the questions. (ہر چیز جاننے والے استاد نے تمام سوالات کا جواب دیا)
  2. She has an all-knowing attitude, thinking she knows everything. (اس کی ایک ہر چیز جاننے والی رویہ ہے، وہ سمجھتی ہے کہ وہ سب کچھ جانتی ہے)
  3. He relied on his all-knowing intuition to make important decisions. (وہ اپنی ہر چیز جاننے والی ہوشیاری پر بھروسہ کرتا تھا تاکہ اہم فیصلوں کو کر سکے)

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