all in

All In: Pronunciation, Meaning, and Origin


The word “all in” is pronounced as “awl in” in English.

Meaning in Urdu:

The meaning of “all in” in Urdu can be translated as:

  1. تھکا ہوا (thaka hua)
  2. مکمل طور پر (mukammal tor par)
  3. بے حد (be-had)

Origin of the Word:

The phrase “all in” originated from the game of poker, where it refers to a player betting all their chips or money on a single hand. Over time, it has been adopted into everyday language to mean being exhausted or giving one’s maximum effort.

Synonyms of All In:

Some synonyms of “all in” include:

  • exhausted
  • worn out
  • fatigued
  • spent
  • weary


Antonyms of “all in” with their Urdu meanings are:

  1. energetic – توانا (tawana)
  2. refreshed – تازگی بخش (tazgi bakhsh)
  3. rejuvenated – تازہ دم (taza dam)

Nearby Words:

Some nearby words to “all in” with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
alliance noun اتحاد (ittehad)
allocate verb تفویض کرنا (tafweez karna)
allegiance noun وفاداری (wafadari)

Example Sentences:

Here are some example sentences using “all in” along with their Urdu meanings:

  1. I’m all in after working for twelve hours straight. (میں تھک گیا ہوں جبکہ بارہ گھنٹے لگاتار کام کرتے رہے ہیں۔)
  2. She gave her all in the final performance. (وہ آخری اداکاری میں مکمل طور پر دی گئی۔)
  3. He put all his savings in the new business. (اس نے اپنی تمام بچتوں کو نئی کاروبار میں لگا دیا۔)

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