
Appraisal Meaning in Urdu: تشریح

Appraisal is a noun that refers to the act of assessing or evaluating something or someone. It is commonly used in the context of performance evaluations, property assessments, or determining the value of an item. In Urdu, the word “تشریح” can be used to convey the meaning of appraisal.

Synonyms of Appraisal:

  • Assessment (تشخیص)
  • Evaluation (تشخیص)
  • Judgment (فیصلہ)
  • Estimation (تخمینہ)

Antonyms of Appraisal:

  • Disregard (لاپروائی) – lack of assessment or evaluation
  • Ignorance (جہالت) – lack of knowledge or understanding
  • Rejection (مسترد کرنا) – refusal to accept or consider
  • Disapproval (ناموافقت) – negative judgment or assessment

Nearby Words:

  • Appraise (verb) – تشریح کرنا, جائزہ لینا – to assess or evaluate
  • Appraiser (noun) – تشریح کار, جائزہ لینے والا – a person who conducts appraisals
  • Appreciation (noun) – قدر, تعریف – recognition and admiration for something
  • Depreciation (noun) – قیمت کمی, تنزلی – decrease in value over time

Origin of the Word:

The word “appraisal” originated from the Old French word “apreisier,” meaning “to set a price.” It entered the English language in the late 14th century with the sense of “assessing the value or quality of something.”

Example Sentences:

  1. His performance appraisal was excellent, and he received a promotion. (اس کی تشریح کارکردگی عالی تھی اور اسے ترقی ملی۔)
  2. The real estate agent provided an appraisal of the property’s value. (حقیقی اسٹیٹ ایجنٹ نے جائیداد کی قدر کا تشریح دی۔)
  3. She sought an appraisal of her jewelry collection to determine its worth. (اس نے اپنی زیورات کی مجموعی قدر معلوم کرنے کے لئے تشریح کی تلاش کی۔)

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