
Artificers: Meaning and Pronunciation

Artificers, pronounced as “ahr-tuh-fuh-sers,” is a noun that refers to skilled craftsmen or artisans who create or construct things with their hands. In Urdu, artificers can be translated as “صنعت کار” (sanat kar) or “کاریگر” (karigar).

Synonyms of Artificers

1. Craftsman – “کاریگر” (karigar)

2. Artisan – “صنعت کار” (sanat kar)

3. Maker – “بنانے والا” (banane wala)

Antonyms of Artificers

1. Amateur – “نیم حرفی” (neem hirfi)

2. Novice – “نوابہ” (nawaba)

3. Inept – “نااہل” (naaehl)

Nearby Words

1. Artifice (noun) – “فریب” (fareb)

2. Artificial (adjective) – “مصنوعی” (masnooi)

3. Artistry (noun) – “فن” (fun)

Origin of the Word Artificers

The word “artificers” originated from the Latin word “artifex,” which means craftsman or artist. It entered the English language in the 14th century and has been used to describe skilled workers ever since.

Example Sentences

1. The artificers meticulously carved intricate designs into the wooden furniture. (صنعت کاروں نے لکڑی کے سامان میں پیچیدہ نقشوں کو دقت سے کھودا)

2. The artificers constructed a magnificent sculpture out of marble. (صنعت کاروں نے سنگ مرمر سے ایک شاندار مجسمہ تعمیر کیا)

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