Aide Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu
Aide is pronounced as “eyd” and it is a noun. In Urdu, aide can be translated as:
- معاون (maa’awin)
- مددگار (madadgaar)
- ساتھی (saathi)
Origin of the Word Aide
The word aide originated from the French word “aide” which means “help” or “assistant”. It entered the English language in the early 18th century.
Synonyms of Aide
Some synonyms of aide include:
- Assistant
- Helper
- Supporter
- Attendant
Antonyms of Aide
Antonyms of aide with their Urdu meanings are:
- Opponent – مخالف (mukhalif)
- Adversary – حریف (hareef)
- Enemy – دشمن (dushman)
Nearby Words
Some nearby words to aide with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:
- Aid (noun) – مدد (madad)
- Aided (adjective) – مدد کیا ہوا (madad kiya hua)
- Aiding (verb) – مدد کرنا (madad karna)
- Aidless (adjective) – بے مدد (be madad)
Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning
Here are some example sentences using the word aide along with their Urdu meanings:
- The president’s aide provided valuable advice during the crisis. (صدر کے معاون نے مشکل وقت میں قیمتی مشورہ فراہم کیا۔)
- She works as an aide to the CEO. (وہ سی ای او کے معاون کے طور پر کام کرتی ہے۔)
- The nurse acted as an aide to the doctor during the surgery. (نرس نے آپریشن کے دوران ڈاکٹر کی مددگاری کی۔)
For more information about the word aide, you can visit the following websites: