Anaemias: Meaning, Pronunciation, and Urdu Translation
Anaemias, pronounced as “uh-nee-mee-uhz,” is a medical term used to describe a group of conditions characterized by a decrease in the number of red blood cells or a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. In Urdu, anaemias can be translated as “خون کی کمی” (khoon ki kami), “رکاوٹ” (rukawat), or “کمزوری” (kamzori).
Synonyms of Anaemias:
- Anaemia (Urdu: خون کی کمی)
- Anemia (Urdu: خون کی کمی)
- Blood deficiency (Urdu: خون کی کمی)
- Weakness (Urdu: کمزوری)
Antonyms of Anaemias:
- Health (Urdu: صحت)
- Strength (Urdu: طاقت)
- Vigor (Urdu: توانائی)
Nearby Words:
- Anaemic (Adjective, Urdu: کمزور)
- Anaemically (Adverb, Urdu: کمزوری سے)
- Anaemia (Noun, Urdu: خون کی کمی)
- Anaemic person (Noun, Urdu: کمزور شخص)
Origin of the Word Anaemias:
The word “anaemias” originated from the Greek word “anaimia,” which means “lack of blood.” It is a combination of the prefix “an-” (meaning without) and “haima” (meaning blood).
Examples Sentences:
- She was diagnosed with anaemias, causing her constant fatigue. (Urdu: اسے خون کی کمی کا متبادل ہوا، جس کی وجہ سے وہ مستقل تھکاوٹ محسوس کرتی تھی۔)
- The doctor prescribed iron supplements to treat her anaemias. (Urdu: ڈاکٹر نے اسے خون کی کمی کے علاج کے لئے آئرن کی سپلیمنٹس تجویز کی۔)
For more information about anaemias, you can visit the following websites: