
Aid Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Aid is pronounced as /eɪd/ in English. In Urdu, it is pronounced as “madad” (مدد).

Meanings of Aid in Urdu

  • مدد کرنا (Madad Karna) – to help
  • سہارا دینا (Sahara Dena) – to support
  • تعاون کرنا (Taawun Karna) – to cooperate

Origin of the Word Aid

The word “aid” originated from the Old French word “aide” in the 15th century, which means “help” or “assistance”. It was derived from the Latin word “adjutare”, meaning “to give help to”.

Synonyms of Aid

  • Assist – مدد کرنا (Madad Karna)
  • Support – سہارا دینا (Sahara Dena)
  • Help – مدد کرنا (Madad Karna)
  • Cooperate – تعاون کرنا (Taawun Karna)

Antonyms of Aid

  • Hinder – روکنا (Rokna)
  • Obstruct – رکاوٹ ڈالنا (Rukaawat Daalna)
  • Impede – روکنا (Rokna)
  • Hamper – روکنا (Rokna)

Nearby Words

  • Aide (Noun) – معاون (Muaawin) – a person who helps or assists
  • Aided (Adjective) – مدد یافتہ (Madad Yafta) – supported or assisted
  • Aiding (Verb) – مدد کرنا (Madad Karna) – helping or assisting

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  • He offered his aid in completing the project. (وہ نے پروجیکٹ مکمل کرنے میں اپنی مدد کی پیشکش کی)
  • The government provided financial aid to the flood victims. (حکومت نے سیلاب زدہ لوگوں کو مالی مدد فراہم کی)
  • She always aids her friends in times of need. (وہ ہمیشہ ضرورت کے وقت اپنے دوستوں کی مدد کرتی ہے)

For more information about the word “aid”, you can visit the following websites:

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