
Analogical Meaning in Urdu: اشباہی

Analogical is an adjective that is used to describe something that is based on or involving analogy. In Urdu, the word for analogical is اشباہی.

Meanings of Analogical in Urdu:

  • اشباہی کے متعلق
  • مشابہتی
  • تشبیہی

Synonyms of Analogical:

Similar words for analogical include:

  • Comparative (تقابلی)
  • Corresponding (مماثل)
  • Proportional (تناسبی)

Antonyms of Analogical:

Words opposite in meaning to analogical are:

  • Non-analogical (غیر اشباہی)
  • Dissimilar (غیر مشابہ)
  • Unrelated (غیر متعلق)

Nearby Words:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
Analog Noun مشابہ
Analogy Noun مشابہت
Analogous Adjective مشابہ

Origin of the Word Analogical:

The word analogical originated from the Latin word “analogicus” and the Greek word “analogikos.” It entered the English language in the early 17th century.

Example Sentences:

  1. His argument was based on analogical reasoning. (اس کا دلیل اشباہی تحقیق پر مبنی تھا۔)
  2. The teacher used analogical examples to explain the complex concept. (استاد نے پیچیدہ تصور کو سمجھانے کے لئے اشباہی مثالیں استعمال کیں۔)

For more information about the word “analogical,” you can visit the following websites:

By understanding the analogical meaning in Urdu, you can better comprehend and use this term in various contexts.