
Allegoric: Unlocking the Hidden Meanings

Have you ever come across a word that seems to hold a deeper significance? Allegoric is one such word that carries a hidden message within its pronunciation and meaning. Let’s delve into the origins, synonyms, antonyms, nearby words, and examples of this intriguing term.

Allegoric Pronunciation

Allegoric is pronounced as uh-leg-awr-ik, with the primary stress on the second syllable.

Allegoric Meaning in Urdu

In Urdu, allegoric can be translated as “تشبیہی” (tashbeehi), “مجازی” (majazi), or “مثالی” (misali).

Origin of the Word Allegoric

The word allegoric finds its roots in the Latin term “allegoricus” and the Greek word “allēgorikós.” Both words refer to the use of allegory, a literary device that conveys hidden meanings through symbolic representation.

Synonyms of Allegoric

1. Symbolic (علامتی)
2. Figurative (تصوری)
3. Metaphorical (مجازی)
4. Representative (نمائندگی کرنے والا)

Antonyms of Allegoric

1. Literal (حرفی)
2. Realistic (حقیقی)
3. Factual (حقائقی)
4. Direct (سیدھا)

Nearby Words

1. Allegory (Noun) – تشبیہ
2. Allegorically (Adverb) – تشبیہی طور پر
3. Allegorize (Verb) – تشبیہ کرنا
4. Allegorist (Noun) – تشبیہ نگار

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning

1. His poem was so allegoric that it took me a while to decipher its true meaning. (اس کی نظم تشبیہی تھی کہ اس کی حقیقی معنی کو سمجھنے میں مجھے وقت لگا۔)
2. The painting was an allegoric representation of the cycle of life and death. (اس نقاشی میں زندگی اور موت کا تشبیہی تصور تھا۔)

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