
Amphiboly Meaning in Urdu: A Linguistic Ambiguity

Amphiboly, pronounced as am-fi-buh-lee, is a term used in linguistics to describe a type of ambiguity that arises from unclear sentence structure or phrasing. In Urdu, amphiboly can be translated as “تشویشی” (tashweeshi), “مبہم” (mubham), or “مشکل” (mushkil).

Synonyms of Amphiboly:

  • Obscurity – “غیر واضحیت” (ghair wazehiyat)
  • Ambiguity – “مبہمی” (mubhami)
  • Vagueness – “غیر واضحیت” (ghair wazehiyat)

Antonyms of Amphiboly:

  • Clarity – “واضحیت” (wazehiyat)
  • Precision – “تفصیل” (tafsil)
  • Explicitness – “واضحیت” (wazehiyat)

Nearby Words:

  • Amphibian (noun) – “پانی اور زمین دونوں پر رہنے والا” (pani aur zameen dono par rehnay wala)
  • Amphitheater (noun) – “گردشگاہ” (gardishgah)
  • Amphibious (adjective) – “پانی اور زمین دونوں پر رہنے والا” (pani aur zameen dono par rehnay wala)

Origin of the Word Amphiboly:

The word “amphiboly” originates from the Greek word “amphibolos,” meaning “ambiguous” or “equivocal.” It entered the English language in the late 16th century.

Examples Sentences:

  • His statement was full of amphiboly, making it difficult to understand his true intentions. (اس کا بیان مشکل تھا، جس کی وجہ سے اس کی اصل نیت سمجھنا مشکل ہوگئی)
  • The politician’s speech was intentionally crafted with amphiboly to avoid taking a clear stance on the issue. (سیاستدان کا خطاب مشکل سے تیار کیا گیا تھا تاکہ مسئلے پر واضح رکھنے سے بچا جا سکے)

For more information on amphiboly, you can visit the following sources:

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