
Understanding the Meaning of “Badly” in Urdu

When it comes to expressing the concept of “badly” in Urdu, there are several meanings associated with it. Let’s explore some of these meanings:

Meanings of “Badly” in Urdu:

  • بُری طرح: This meaning refers to something being done in a bad or improper manner.
  • خرابی سے: This meaning signifies something being in a bad or deteriorated condition.
  • ناخوشگواری سے: This meaning indicates something being done in an unpleasant or unsatisfactory way.

Synonyms of “Badly”:

Some synonyms of “badly” include:

  • Awfully (بہت بری طرح)
  • Poorly (بد طرح)
  • Terribly (خرابی سے)

Pronunciation of “Badly” in Urdu:

The pronunciation of “badly” in Urdu is as follows: [بَڈلی]

Antonyms of “Badly” in Urdu:

  • اچھے طریقے سے: This antonym signifies something being done in a good or proper manner.
  • ٹھیک طرح: This antonym refers to something being in a good or satisfactory condition.
  • خوشگواری سے: This antonym indicates something being done in a pleasant or satisfactory way.

Nearby Words:

Some nearby words related to “badly” in Urdu are:

  • Bad (Adjective): برا
  • Badminton (Noun): بیڈمنٹن
  • Badge (Noun): بیج

Origin of the Word “Badly”:

The word “badly” originated from the Middle English word “badli” which means “in a bad manner.” It is derived from the word “bad” which has Old English and Germanic origins.

Examples Sentences:

Here are a few example sentences using “badly” in Urdu:

  1. وہ کھانا بُری طرح پکا رہا ہے۔ (He is cooking the food badly.)
  2. میرا دن بہت بری طرح گزر رہا ہے۔ (My day is going badly.)
  3. تم نے میری مدد خرابی سے کی ہے۔ (You have helped me badly.)

If you want to explore more about the word “badly,” you can visit the following websites:

By understanding the various meanings, synonyms, antonyms, pronunciation, and origin of the word “badly” in Urdu, you can effectively incorporate it into your vocabulary and communication.