
Agoraphobia: Understanding the Fear of Open Spaces

Pronunciation of Agoraphobia

Agoraphobia is pronounced as uh-gor-uh-foh-bee-uh.

Meaning of Agoraphobia in Urdu

Agoraphobia is known as “بازاروں سے خوف” in Urdu. Other meanings include:

  • “کھلی جگہوں سے خوف” (Fear of open spaces)
  • “بازاروں سے ڈر” (Fear of markets)
  • “بازاروں سے خوف کا مرض” (Disease of fear of markets)

Origin of the Word Agoraphobia

The word “agoraphobia” originates from the Greek words “agora” meaning “marketplace” and “phobos” meaning “fear.” It was first used in the late 19th century to describe the fear of open spaces or crowded places.

Synonyms of Agoraphobia

Synonyms of agoraphobia include:

  • Open space phobia
  • Crowded place fear
  • Marketplace anxiety

Antonyms of Agoraphobia

Antonyms of agoraphobia in Urdu are:

  • “بے فکری” (Carefreeness)
  • “بے خوفی” (Fearlessness)
  • “بے فکر ہونا” (To be carefree)

Nearby Words

Related words to agoraphobia include:

  • Noun: Anxiety (تشویش), Panic (ہولناکی), Claustrophobia (بند کمرہ سے خوف)
  • Verb: Avoid (بچنا), Escape (بچنا), Panic (ہولناکی کرنا)
  • Adjective: Fearful (خوفزدہ), Anxious (تشویشناک), Claustrophobic (بند کمرے سے خوف زدہ)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  1. She experiences agoraphobia whenever she steps outside. (وہ ہر بار باہر نکلنے پر بازاروں سے خوف کا احساس کرتی ہے۔)
  2. His agoraphobia prevents him from attending social gatherings. (اس کا بازاروں سے خوف اسے سماجی اجتماعات میں شرکت کرنے سے روکتا ہے۔)
  3. Agoraphobia can be treated with therapy and medication. (بازاروں سے خوف کا علاج تھراپی اور دوائی سے ممکن ہے۔)

For more information on agoraphobia, you can visit the following websites: