
Amphibology: A Linguistic Phenomenon

Amphibology, pronounced as am-fi-bol-uh-jee, is a term used in linguistics to describe a sentence or phrase that has multiple interpretations due to its ambiguous structure or wording. In Urdu, amphibology is known as “Tashbeeh” or “Tashbeehi Jumla”.

Meanings of Amphibology in Urdu:

  • “Tashbeeh” – تشبیہ
  • “Tashbeehi Jumla” – تشبیہی جملہ

Synonyms of Amphibology:

  • Ambiguity – ابہام
  • Double Entendre – دوہرا مطلب
  • Equivoque – مبہم الفاظ

Antonyms of Amphibology:

  • Clarity – واضحیت
  • Precision – پرتکلفی
  • Unambiguity – بے ابہامی

Nearby Words:

  • Amphibian (Noun) – جلترا
  • Amphibious (Adjective) – جلترا
  • Amphibiously (Adverb) – جلترا طور پر

Origin of the Word Amphibology:

The word “amphibology” originated from the Greek word “amphibolos,” meaning “ambiguous.” It entered the English language in the late 16th century.

Examples Sentences:

  • The newspaper headline had an amphibology, leaving readers confused. (اخبار کی سرخی میں تشبیہ تھی جس سے قارئین پریشان رہے۔)
  • His statement was full of amphibology, making it difficult to understand his true intentions. (اس کا بیان تشبیہوں سے بھرا ہوا تھا، جس کی وجہ سے اس کی اصل نیت سمجھنا مشکل ہوگئی۔)

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