
Accurst Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Accurst is pronounced as uh-kurst. In Urdu, it is written as لعنتی (Laanti) or ملعون (Maloon).

Origin of the Word Accurst

The word “accurst” originated from Middle English and is derived from the Old English word “ācursian,” which means to curse or condemn. It has been in use since the 13th century.

Synonyms of Accurst

Some synonyms of accurst include cursed, damned, hexed, jinxed, and doomed.

Antonyms of Accurst

The antonyms of accurst in Urdu are مبارک (Mubarak) and مقدس (Muqaddas), which mean blessed and sacred, respectively.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to accurst are:

  • Accursed: لعنتی (Laanti) or ملعون (Maloon) – adjective
  • Accurse: لعنت بھیجنا (Laanat bhejna) or ملعون کرنا (Maloon karna) – verb
  • Accursing: لعنت بھیجنا (Laanat bhejna) or ملعون کرنا (Maloon karna) – gerund or present participle

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  1. He was accurst for his wicked deeds. (وہ اپنے بدکاریوں کے لئے ملعون تھا۔)
  2. The accurst witch cast a spell on the village. (ملعون چڑیل نے گاؤں پر جادو کیا۔)
  3. May you be accurst for your betrayal! (تمہاری دغا بازی کے لئے تم پر لعنت ہو!)

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