
Accursed Pronunciation

The word “accursed” is pronounced as uh-kurst in English.

Accursed Meaning in Urdu

The meaning of “accursed” in Urdu can be translated into several words:

  • لعنتی (Laanti)
  • ملعون (Mal’oon)
  • نفرت انگیز (Nafrat Angaiz)

Origin of the Word Accursed

The word “accursed” originated from the Old English word “acursian,” which means to pronounce a curse upon. It is derived from the prefix “a-” meaning “on” or “in,” and the word “curse.” The term has been used in various forms throughout history to describe something or someone that is cursed or deserving of condemnation.

Synonyms of Accursed

Some synonyms of “accursed” include:

  • Damned
  • Cursed
  • Execrable
  • Detestable
  • Odious

Antonyms of Accursed

Antonyms of “accursed” with their meanings in Urdu:

  • Blessed – مبارک (Mubarak)
  • Favored – محبوب (Mehboob)
  • Fortunate – خوش قسمت (Khush Qismat)
  • Lucky – خوش قسمت (Khush Qismat)
  • Happy – خوش (Khush)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words to “accursed” with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings:

  • Accurate (Adjective) – درست (Durust)
  • Accurately (Adverb) – درستی سے (Durusti Se)
  • Accurateness (Noun) – درستگی (Durustgi)
  • Accuratenesses (Noun) – درستگیاں (Durustgiyan)
  • Accuracies (Noun) – درستیاں (Durustiyan)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using the word “accursed” along with their Urdu meanings:

  • The accursed witch cast a spell on the village. (لعنتی چڑیل نے گاؤں پر جادو کیا)
  • He was doomed to live an accursed life. (وہ ملعون زندگی گزارنے کے لئے محکوم تھا)
  • The accursed treasure brought misfortune to all who possessed it. (لعنتی خزانہ نے ان سب کو بدقسمتی لائی جن کے پاس یہ تھا)

For more information about the word “accursed,” you can visit the following websites:

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