accounts receivable

Accounts Receivable: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu


Accounts Receivable is pronounced as uh-kounts ri-see-vuh-buhl.

Meaning in Urdu

Accounts Receivable is known as “قابلِ وصولِ حسابات” in Urdu. It refers to the outstanding payments owed to a company by its customers for goods or services provided on credit.

Origin of the Word

The term “Accounts Receivable” originated from the combination of the words “accounts” and “receivable.” The word “accounts” refers to financial records, while “receivable” means something that is expected to be received.


Synonyms for Accounts Receivable include:

  • Outstanding Payments
  • Trade Receivables
  • Debtors


Antonyms for Accounts Receivable include:

  • Accounts Payable – “قابلِ ادائیگی حسابات” (Urdu)
  • Liabilities – “ذمہ داریاں” (Urdu)

Nearby Words

Related words to Accounts Receivable include:

  • Accounts Payable (Noun) – “قابلِ ادائیگی حسابات” (Urdu)
  • Assets (Noun) – “جائداد” (Urdu)
  • Balance Sheet (Noun) – “توازنی شیٹ” (Urdu)
  • Credit (Noun) – “قرض” (Urdu)

Example Sentences

Here are a few example sentences with Urdu meanings:

  • 1. The company’s accounts receivable have increased significantly. (شرکت کے قابلِ وصولِ حسابات میں اضافہ ہوا ہے۔)
  • 2. We need to follow up with our customers to collect the accounts receivable. (ہمیں اپنے گاہکوں کے ساتھ رابطہ کرنا ہوگا تاکہ قابلِ وصولِ حسابات وصول کی جا سکیں۔)

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