as of now

As of Now Meaning in Urdu: اب تک کا مطلب

As of Now Pronunciation: [az uhv nou]

As of Now Meaning in Urdu: اب تک کا مطلب

As of Now Meaning in Urdu (Alternate Meanings):

  • ابھی تک کا مطلب
  • حالیہ طور پر کا مطلب
  • فی الحال کا مطلب

Synonyms of As of Now:

  • currently (فی الحال)
  • presently (ابھی)
  • at present (حالیہ طور پر)

Antonyms of As of Now:

  • previously (پہلے)
  • formerly (سابقہ طور پر)
  • earlier (پہلے)

Nearby Words:

  • As (Adverb) – جیسا
  • Of (Preposition) – کا
  • Now (Adverb) – اب

Origin of the Word As of Now:

The phrase “as of now” is a combination of the words “as” and “now.” “As” is derived from the Old English word “ealswā,” meaning “just as” or “similar to.” “Now” originated from the Old English word “nū,” which means “at the present time.” The phrase “as of now” is used to indicate the current or present moment.

Example Sentences:

  1. As of now, the project is still ongoing. (اب تک، منصوبہ کام پر ہے۔)
  2. As of now, there are no updates on the situation. (ابھی تک، صورتحال کے بارے میں کوئی تازہ خبریں نہیں ہیں۔)
  3. As of now, we have received no response from the authorities. (فی الحال، ہمیں حکام سے کوئی جواب نہیں ملا۔)

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