
Anthrax Meaning in Urdu: Definition, Pronunciation, and More

Anthrax, pronounced as “an-thraks,” is a serious infectious disease caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis. It primarily affects animals but can also be transmitted to humans. In Urdu, anthrax is known as “بھوسی” (Bhosi).

Synonyms of Anthrax:

  • Woolsorter’s disease – “وول سارٹر کی بیماری” (Wool Sorter Ki Bimari)
  • Charbon – “چاربون” (Charbon)
  • Malignant pustule – “مہلک پیپ” (Mehlik Peep)

Antonyms of Anthrax:

  • Health – “صحت” (Sehat)
  • Well-being – “خوشحالی” (Khushhali)
  • Soundness – “سلامتی” (Salāmatī)

Nearby Words:

  • Bacteria (Noun) – “جراثیم” (Jarasim)
  • Infection (Noun) – “عفونت” (Afūnat)
  • Disease (Noun) – “بیماری” (Bimari)
  • Contagious (Adjective) – “متعدی” (Muta’addi)

Origin of the Word Anthrax:

The word “anthrax” originates from the Greek word “anthrakis,” meaning “coal” or “charcoal.” This refers to the black skin lesions that can develop in infected individuals.

Examples Sentences:

  • The farmer lost several of his cattle to anthrax. (کسان نے اپنے چند گائوں کو بھوسی کی وجہ سے کھو دیا)
  • She contracted anthrax after handling contaminated wool. (وہ نے متعفن اون کو ہاتھ لگانے کے بعد بھوسی کا سانحہ ہوا)

For more information on anthrax, you can visit the following websites:


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