
Amirate Meaning in Urdu: امارت

Amirate is a noun that is derived from the Arabic word “amir” which means “commander” or “leader”. In Urdu, it is pronounced as “amārat” and written as امارت.

Meanings of Amirate in Urdu:

  • امیریت: The state or position of being an amir or ruler.
  • حکومت: Government or governance.
  • سلطنت: Sultanate or sovereignty.

Synonyms of Amirate:

1. حکومت (Hukumat) – Meaning: Government

2. سلطنت (Saltanat) – Meaning: Sultanate

3. ریاست (Riyasat) – Meaning: State

Antonyms of Amirate:

1. غلامی (Ghulami) – Meaning: Slavery

2. بندگی (Bandagi) – Meaning: Servitude

3. زیرِ حکومت (Zair-e-Hukumat) – Meaning: Under rule

Nearby Words:

1. امیر (Amir) – Noun: Leader, commander

2. امارتی (Amirati) – Adjective: Related to amirate

3. امارتیت (Amiratiyat) – Noun: Amiratehood

Origin of the Word Amirate:

The word “amirate” originated from the Arabic word “amir” which means “commander” or “leader”. It entered the English language in the early 19th century.

Example Sentences:

1. The amirate of Dubai is known for its modern architecture. (دبئی کی امارت مشہور ہے جس کی وجہ سے)

2. The amirate of Qatar is hosting the FIFA World Cup. (قطر کی امارت فیفا ورلڈ کپ کی میزبانی کر رہی ہے)

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