
Addicts: Pronunciation, Meaning in Urdu, Origin, Synonyms, Antonyms, Nearby Words


The word “addicts” is pronounced as uh-dikts.

Meaning in Urdu

The word “addicts” has several meanings in Urdu:

  1. معتاد (ma’taad)
  2. لت (lat)
  3. نشے کا عادی (nashay ka aadi)

Origin of the Word

The word “addicts” originated from the Latin word “addictus,” which means “devoted” or “assigned.” It later evolved to refer to someone who is devoted or assigned to a particular habit or substance.


Some synonyms of “addicts” include:

  • enthusiasts (جوشیلا – joshila)
  • fanatics (دیوانہ – deewana)
  • devotees (پرستار – parastar)
  • aficionados (شوقین – shoqeen)


Antonyms of “addicts” include:

  • abstainers (پرہیز کرنے والا – parhez karne wala)
  • non-users (غیر استعمال کنندہ – ghair istemaal kandah)
  • moderates (اعتدال پسند – itidal pasand)
  • casual users (بے پروا استعمال کنندہ – be parwa istemaal kandah)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to “addicts” are:

  • addiction (لت – lat) – noun
  • addicted (معتاد – ma’taad) – adjective
  • addictive (نشے کی عادت والا – nashay ki aadat wala) – adjective
  • addicting (نشے کا عادی بنانے والا – nashay ka aadi banane wala) – adjective

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  1. He is addicted to smoking. (وہ سگریٹ پینے کی عادت رکھتا ہے۔)
  2. She is an addict and needs help. (وہ معتاد ہے اور مدد کی ضرورت ہے۔)
  3. They are addicts of social media. (وہ سوشل میڈیا کے نشے کے عادی ہیں۔)

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