
Antic Meaning in Urdu: Multiple Meanings

Antic is a word that has multiple meanings in Urdu. Some of the meanings of antic in Urdu are:

1. مسخرہ (Maskhara)

Meaning: A person who behaves in a funny or silly way, often to make others laugh.

Synonyms: بے تکا (Be Tuka), چھوکرا (Chhokra)

Antonyms: سنجیدہ (Sanjeeda), پرسکون (Parsakoon)

Nearby Words: Anticlimax (Noun) – انتہائی بدلتا (Intehai Badalta)

2. چھوکرا پن (Chhokra Pan)

Meaning: Childish or playful behavior, often characterized by exaggerated gestures or actions.

Synonyms: بچپن (Bachpan), ناچ (Naach)

Antonyms: سنجیدگی (Sanjeedgi), پرسکونی (Parsakooni)

Nearby Words: Anticipate (Verb) – توقع کرنا (Tawaqo Karna)

Origin of the Word Antic

The word “antic” originated from the Italian word “antico,” which means “antique” or “ancient.” It was first used in English in the late 16th century to describe bizarre or grotesque gestures and actions performed by jesters or clowns.

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning

1. The comedian’s antic behavior had the audience in fits of laughter. (مذاقیہ کار کا مسخرہ رویہ نے حاضرین کو ہنسی کی لہروں میں لے گیا۔)

2. The children were engaged in antic play, jumping and twirling around. (بچے مسخرہ کھیل میں مصروف تھے، چھلانگیں لگاتے اور گھومتے رہتے۔)

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