air pocket

Air Pocket Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Air pocket is a commonly used term in aviation and refers to a region of turbulence or downdrafts that can cause an aircraft to experience a sudden drop in altitude. In Urdu, air pocket can be translated as:

  • ہوا کا گڑھا (Hawa ka garha)
  • ہوا کا خلا (Hawa ka khala)
  • ہوا کا گڑھا (Hawa ka garha)

Origin of the Word Air Pocket

The term “air pocket” originated in the early 20th century and is derived from the combination of the words “air” and “pocket.” It is used metaphorically to describe a localized area of air that behaves differently from the surrounding air, similar to how a pocket is a small compartment separate from the rest of a garment.

Synonyms of Air Pocket

Some synonyms of air pocket include:

  • Turbulence
  • Downdraft
  • Downwash
  • Whirlwind

Antonyms of Air Pocket

Antonyms of air pocket can be translated as:

  • سکون (Sukoon) – Calmness
  • استحکام (Istehkam) – Stability
  • مستحکم (Mustehkam) – Firm

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to air pocket are:

  • Airplane (noun) – ہوائی جہاز (Hawai jahaz)
  • Airline (noun) – ہوائی خط (Hawai khat)
  • Airfield (noun) – ہوائی میدان (Hawai maidan)
  • Airway (noun) – ہوائی راستہ (Hawai rasta)

Example Sentences

Here are some example sentences using air pocket with their Urdu translations:

  • The airplane hit an air pocket, causing a sudden drop in altitude. (ہوائی جہاز نے ہوا کے گڑھے میں ٹکرا لگا کر اچانک بلندی میں کمی پیدا کی)
  • The pilot warned the passengers about the upcoming air pocket. (پائلٹ نے مسافروں کو آنے والے ہوائی گڑھے کے بارے میں انتباہ دی)
  • She felt her stomach drop as the plane encountered an air pocket. (جب ہوائی جہاز نے ہوا کے گڑھے کا سامنا کیا تو اس کو معدے میں کچھ گرنے کا احساس ہوا)

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