
Assaulting Meaning in Urdu: Understanding the Various Meanings

Assaulting is a verb that is commonly used in English to describe the act of attacking or physically harming someone. In Urdu, assaulting can be translated into multiple meanings, including:

Meanings of Assaulting in Urdu:

  • تاش کرنا (To attack)
  • حملہ کرنا (To launch an attack)
  • چڑھائی کرنا (To climb)

Synonyms of Assaulting: Some synonyms of assaulting include attacking, striking, hitting, and assaulting.

Pronunciation: The pronunciation of assaulting in Urdu is [uh-sawlt-ing].

Antonyms: The antonyms of assaulting in Urdu are:

  • دفاع کرنا (To defend)
  • حفاظت کرنا (To protect)
  • بچانا (To save)

Nearby Words:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
Assailant Noun حملہ آور
Assault Noun حملہ
Assault Verb حملہ کرنا

Origin of the Word Assaulting:

The word “assaulting” originated from the Middle English word “assauten,” which came from the Old French word “assauter.” It ultimately traces back to the Latin word “assultare,” meaning “to leap upon” or “to attack.”

Example Sentences:

  1. He was arrested for assaulting a police officer. (وہ پولیس افسر کو حملہ کرنے کے لئے گرفتار ہوا۔)
  2. The enemy troops are assaulting our borders. (دشمنی فوجیوں نے ہمارے سرحدوں پر حملہ کیا ہوا ہے۔)
  3. She was charged with assaulting her neighbor. (اسے اپنے پڑوسی کو حملہ کرنے کے الزام میں مقدمہ درج کیا گیا۔)

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