
Armourer Meaning in Urdu: اسلحہ ساز

An armourer, pronounced as [ahr-mer-er], is a person who specializes in the making, repairing, and maintenance of weapons and armor. In Urdu, the meaning of armourer is اسلحہ ساز. Here are a few other meanings of armourer in Urdu:

  • اسلحہ بنانے والا
  • ہتھیاروں کی مرمت کرنے والا
  • توپوں کی مرمت کرنے والا

Synonyms: صنعت گر، ہتھیار بنانے والا، توپوں کی مرمت کرنے والا


  • بے حمایت
  • بے حفاظت
  • بے دفاع

Nearby Words:

  • Armour (Noun) – حفاظتی تہ
  • Armoured (Adjective) – حفاظتی
  • Armourless (Adjective) – بے حفاظت
  • Armoury (Noun) – ہتھیار خانہ


The word “armourer” originated from the Middle English word “armurer,” which came from the Old French word “armurier.” It is derived from the Latin word “armatura,” meaning “armor.” The suffix “-er” denotes a person involved in a particular activity or occupation.

Example Sentences:

  1. The armourer skillfully crafted a new sword. (اسلحہ ساز نے مہارت سے ایک نیا تلوار بنائی۔)
  2. The armourer repaired the knight’s damaged armor. (اسلحہ ساز نے یورشی کی خراب ہوئی کوتی مرمت کی۔)

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