
Algae: A Fascinating Organism

Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

The word “algae” is pronounced as “al-jee” and is written as “الجی” in Urdu.

Origin of the Word Algae

The term “algae” originated from the Latin word “alga” meaning “seaweed” or “seaweed-like.” It was first used in the late 18th century to describe a diverse group of photosynthetic organisms.

Synonyms of Algae

1. Seaweed – سمندری گھاس

2. Pond scum – تالاب کی گندگی

3. Green slime – سبز رنگ کی چپچپاہٹ

Antonyms of Algae

1. Plant – پودا

2. Flower – پھول

3. Tree – درخت

Nearby Words

1. Algal (Adjective) – الجی سے متعلق

2. Algal bloom (Noun) – الجی کا کھلنا

3. Algal mat (Noun) – الجی کی چادر

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

1. The pond is covered in algae. (تالاب الجی سے ڈھکا ہوا ہے۔)

2. Algae are essential for the aquatic ecosystem. (الجی آبی پردے کے نظام کے لئے ضروری ہیں۔)

3. The beach was filled with green slime, a type of algae. (ساحل پر سبز رنگ کی چپچپاہٹ سے بھرا ہوا تھا، جو الجی کی ایک قسم ہے۔)


For more information on algae, you can visit the following websites:


