
Almanac Pronunciation

The word “almanac” is pronounced as al-muh-nak.

Almanac Meaning in Urdu

The word “almanac” has several meanings in Urdu:

  1. تقویم (taqwim)
  2. پنجی (panji)
  3. مہینہ نامہ (mahina nama)
  4. سالنامہ (salnama)

Origin of the Word Almanac

The word “almanac” originated from the Late Latin word “almanachus” and the Arabic word “al-manākh.” It was later adopted into Middle English as “almanak” and eventually became “almanac” in modern English.

Synonyms of Almanac

Some synonyms of almanac include:

  • Calendar
  • Yearbook
  • Guidebook
  • Compendium

Antonyms of Almanac

Antonyms of almanac in Urdu:

  1. بے تاریخ (be-tarikh) – Untimed
  2. بے تقویم (be-taqwim) – Calendarless
  3. بے سال (be-saal) – Yearless
  4. بے مہینہ (be-mahina) – Monthless

Nearby Words

Some nearby words with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
Almanac Noun تقویم (taqwim)
Almanack Noun پنجی (panji)
Almanach Noun مہینہ نامہ (mahina nama)
Almanah Noun سالنامہ (salnama)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using the word “almanac” along with their Urdu meanings:

  • The almanac predicts heavy rainfall tomorrow. (تقویم بارش کی زیادتی کا پیشگوئی کرتی ہے۔)
  • I always refer to the almanac to plan my gardening activities. (میں ہمیشہ تقویم کا حوالہ لیتا ہوں تاکہ میں اپنی باغبانی کی سرگرمیوں کا منصوبہ بنا سکوں۔)
  • According to the almanac, today is a lucky day for starting new ventures. (تقویم کے مطابق، آج نئے کاموں کا آغاز کرنے کے لئے خوش قسمت دن ہے۔)

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