
Backdrop Meaning in Urdu: Definitions and Synonyms

Backdrop is a commonly used term in various contexts, including photography, theater, and everyday conversations. In Urdu, backdrop can be referred to as:

  • پس منظر (Pas Manzar)
  • پچھواڑا (Pichwara)
  • پس زمینہ (Pas Zameena)

Synonyms: alternative terms for backdrop in Urdu include:

  • منظر نامہ (Manzar Nama)
  • پس منظر (Pas Manzar)
  • پچھواڑا (Pichwara)

Pronunciation: The pronunciation of backdrop in English is /ˈbækˌdrɒp/. In Urdu, it can be pronounced as “bakdrop” or “pas manzar”.

Antonyms: While there are no direct antonyms for backdrop, opposite meanings can be expressed using phrases like “سامنے منظر” (Samne Manzar) meaning “foreground” or “سامنے کا حصہ” (Samne Ka Hissa) meaning “front part”.

Nearby Words: Related words to backdrop in Urdu include:

  • Noun: منظر (Manzar) – view, sight
  • Noun: زمینہ (Zameena) – ground, surface
  • Noun: پچھواڑا (Pichwara) – background, rear

Origin: The word backdrop originated from the combination of “back” and “drop”. It refers to a painted cloth or similar material used as a background in a theater or photography setting.


  1. She stood in front of the beautiful backdrop of the mountains. (وہ پہاڑوں کے خوبصورت پس منظر کے سامنے کھڑی تھی۔)
  2. The photographer used a plain white sheet as a backdrop. (تصویری کار نے پس منظر کے طور پر ایک سادہ سفید کپڑے کا استعمال کیا۔)

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