
Backed Meaning in Urdu: Definitions and Synonyms

Backed is an English word that has several meanings in Urdu. Here are a few of its meanings:

Meanings of Backed in Urdu:

  1. مدد کیا ہوا: This meaning refers to providing support or assistance to someone or something.
  2. پیچھے کی طرف: This meaning indicates moving or facing towards the rear or backside.
  3. مدد کرنا: This meaning signifies helping or supporting someone in a particular situation.

Synonyms of Backed: supported, assisted, aided, endorsed, financed, funded, subsidized, championed, promoted, upheld.

Pronunciation: The pronunciation of backed in English is [bakt].


  • Opposite of مدد کیا ہوا: Unsupported (غیر مدد کیا ہوا)
  • Opposite of پیچھے کی طرف: Frontward (آگے کی طرف)
  • Opposite of مدد کرنا: Hinder (رکاوٹ ڈالنا)

Nearby Words:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
Back Noun پیچھے
Backbone Noun ریڑھ کی ہڈی
Backfire Verb الٹ پلٹ کام کرنا

Origin of the Word Backed:

The word “backed” is the past participle of the verb “back,” which originated from Middle English. It can be traced back to the Old English word “bæc,” meaning “back” or “spine.”

Example Sentences:

  1. He backed his friend in the competition. (وہ مقابلے میں اپنے دوست کی مدد کی)
  2. The car backed into the parking spot. (گاڑی نے پارکنگ کے جگہ پیچھے کی طرف چلتے ہوئے گاڑی کو رکھا)
  3. The government backed the new educational policy. (حکومت نے نئی تعلیمی پالیسی کی حمایت کی)

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