
Anthropologist Meaning in Urdu: Exploring the Study of Humanity

Anthropologist, pronounced as “an-thruh-pol-uh-jist,” is a term used to describe a professional who studies human societies, cultures, and their development. In Urdu, anthropologist can be translated as “انسانیاتی ماہر” (Insaniyati Mahir) or “انسانیاتی علم کا ماہر” (Insaniyati Ilm Ka Mahir).

Synonyms of Anthropologist:

  • Ethnologist – “نسل شناس” (Nasal Shanasi)
  • Sociologist – “سماجیات دان” (Samajiyyat Dan)
  • Archaeologist – “آثاریات دان” (Asariyyat Dan)

Antonyms of Anthropologist:

  • Misanthropist – “انسان ستان” (Insan Sitaan)
  • Philanthropist – “خیراتی” (Kherati)
  • Individualist – “فرد پرست” (Fard Parast)

Nearby Words:

  • Anthropology – Noun – “انسانیات” (Insaniyat)
  • Anthropological – Adjective – “انسانیاتی” (Insaniyati)
  • Anthropomorphism – Noun – “انسانی خصوصیات کا تصور” (Insani Khasosiyat Ka Tasawwur)

Origin of the Word Anthropologist:

The word “anthropologist” originates from the Greek words “anthropos” meaning “human” and “logos” meaning “study.” It was first used in the late 19th century to describe professionals who engage in the scientific study of humanity.

Example Sentences:

  1. The anthropologist conducted extensive research on tribal communities in Pakistan. (انسانیاتی ماہر نے پاکستان میں قبائلی برادریوں پر وسیع تحقیقات کیں۔)
  2. She pursued a career as an anthropologist to better understand cultural diversity. (وہ ثقافتی تنوع کو بہتر سمجھنے کے لئے انسانیاتی ماہر کی حیثیت سے کام کرتی رہی۔)

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