
Alotof: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Alotof is a noun in English that is pronounced as “uh-lot-uhv.” In Urdu, it is written as “بہت سارا” and pronounced as “bohat saara.” The word is commonly used to describe a large quantity or number of something.

Origin of the Word Alotof

The word “alotof” is a combination of the words “a lot” and “of.” It is used to emphasize the abundance or extent of something.

Synonyms of Alotof

Some synonyms of alotof include:

  • Many (بہت سارے)
  • Plenty (بہت زیادہ)
  • A multitude of (بہت سی)
  • A plethora of (بہت زیادہ)

Antonyms of Alotof

Some antonyms of alotof include:

  • Few (کچھ کم)
  • Scarce (کم)
  • Little (تھوڑا)
  • Insufficient (ناکافی)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to alotof are:

  • Alone (تنہا) – Adjective
  • Along (ساتھ) – Preposition
  • Aloof (الگ) – Adjective
  • Aloud (بلند آواز سے) – Adverb

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using alotof with their Urdu meanings:

  1. He has alotof books. (وہ بہت ساری کتابیں رکھتا ہے۔)
  2. She received alotof compliments on her performance. (اس نے اپنی اداکاری پر بہت سارے تعریفیں سنیں۔)
  3. There are alotof options to choose from. (منتخب کرنے کے لئے بہت سارے اختیارات ہیں۔)

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