
Alopecoid: Pronunciation, Meaning, and Origin


The word “alopecoid” is pronounced as uh-loh-puh-koid.

Meaning in Urdu:

In Urdu, “alopecoid” can be translated into several meanings:

  1. بالوں کا گرنے والا (balo ka girne wala) – meaning “hair fall”
  2. بالوں کا ٹوٹنے والا (balo ka tutne wala) – meaning “hair breakage”
  3. بالوں کا گرنے والا مریض (balo ka girne wala mareez) – meaning “alopecia patient”


The word “alopecoid” originates from the combination of two Greek words: “alopex” meaning “fox” and “-oid” meaning “resembling.” Therefore, “alopecoid” refers to something that resembles or is similar to a fox.


Some synonyms of “alopecoid” include:

  • fox-like
  • vulpine
  • resembling a fox


Antonyms of “alopecoid” with their Urdu meanings are:

  • بالوں کا بڑھنے والا (balo ka barhne wala) – meaning “hair growth”
  • بالوں کا مضبوط ہونا (balo ka mazboot hona) – meaning “hair strength”
  • بالوں کا ٹھیک ہونا (balo ka theek hona) – meaning “hair health”

Nearby Words:

Some nearby words related to “alopecoid” with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
alopecia noun بالوں کا گرنا (balo ka girna)
aloe noun گھیکوار (ghaikwar)
along preposition ساتھ (saath)
aloud adverb بلند آواز سے (buland awaaz se)

Example Sentences:

Here are some example sentences using “alopecoid” along with their Urdu meanings:

  1. Her alopecoid appearance made her stand out in the crowd. (اس کی بالوں کی گرنے والی صورت نے اسے لوگوں کے درمیان مشہور کیا)
  2. The alopecoid patient was seeking a solution for hair regrowth. (بالوں کا گرنے والا مریض بال بڑھانے کا حل تلاش کر رہا تھا)
  3. He had an alopecoid patch on his scalp. (اس کے سر کی خالی جگہ پر بالوں کا گرنے والا پیچ تھا)

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