
Apparent Meaning in Urdu: Pronunciation and Meanings

The word “apparent” is pronounced as /uh-par-uhnt/ in English. In Urdu, it can be pronounced as “zaahir” or “numaayaan”.

Meanings in Urdu:

  1. ظاہِر (Zaahir)
  2. نمایاں (Numaayaan)
  3. واضح (Wazeh)

Synonyms of Apparent:

1. Obvious (واضح)

2. Evident (ظاہِر)

3. Clear (صاف)

4. Manifest (ظاہِر)

5. Visible (دیکھنے میں آنے والا)

Antonyms of Apparent:

1. Hidden (پوشیدہ) – Urdu Meaning: “Posheeda”

2. Obscure (مبہم) – Urdu Meaning: “Mubham”

3. Unseen (نظر نہ آنے والا) – Urdu Meaning: “Nazr Nah Aanay Wala”

4. Inconspicuous (غیر مشہور) – Urdu Meaning: “Ghair Mashhoor”

5. Imperceptible (غیر محسوس ہونے والا) – Urdu Meaning: “Ghair Mehsoos Honay Wala”

Nearby Words:

1. Apparently (ظاہِراً) – Adverb

2. Appearance (ظاہِریت) – Noun

3. Apparition (روح) – Noun

4. Apparatus (آلات) – Noun

5. Appeal (درخواست) – Noun

Origin of the Word Apparent:

The word “apparent” originated from the Latin word “apparentem” which means “visible, manifest, evident”. It entered the English language in the late 14th century.

Example Sentences:

1. It was apparent that she was upset. (یہ ظاہِر تھا کہ وہ پریشان ہے۔)

2. The apparent reason for his absence was a family emergency. (اس کی غائبی کا ظاہِری سبب ایک خاندانی ہنگامہ تھا۔)

3. The apparent simplicity of the design is deceptive. (تصمیم کی ظاہِری سادگی دھوکہ ہے۔)

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