
Arrayed Meaning in Urdu: انتظام کرنا

Arrayed is an English word that is commonly used to describe the act of arranging or organizing things in a particular order or pattern. In Urdu, the meaning of arrayed can be translated as “انتظام کرنا” which also refers to the act of putting things in order or arranging them systematically.

Synonyms of Arrayed:

  • Organized – منظم
  • Ordered – ترتیب شدہ
  • Structured – ڈھانچہ دار
  • Systematized – نظام بندی شدہ

Antonyms of Arrayed:

  • Disorganized – بے ترتیب
  • Chaotic – افراتفری
  • Messy – بے ڈھنگا
  • Unordered – بے ترتیب

Nearby Words:

  • Arrange (verb) – ترتیب دینا
  • Order (noun) – حکم
  • Pattern (noun) – نمونہ
  • Sequence (noun) – تسلسل

Origin of the Word Arrayed:

The word “arrayed” originated from the Middle English word “arraien” which means “to set in order” or “to prepare.” It can be traced back to the Old French word “areer” which has similar meanings. The word has been in use since the 14th century and has evolved to its current form over time.

Examples Sentences:

  1. She arrayed the books on the shelf according to their genres. (وہ نے کتابوں کو ان کے انواع کے مطابق رکھا)
  2. The soldiers were arrayed in neat rows for the parade. (فوجیوں کو مظاہرے کے لئے خوبصورت صفوں میں ترتیب دی گئی)
  3. The bride was arrayed in a stunning wedding gown. (دلکش شادی کا جوڑا پہنا کر دلہن تیار ہو گئی)

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