
Angst Meaning in Urdu: انگست کا مطلب

Angst is a noun that is pronounced as “ahngkst” in English. In Urdu, it can be translated into multiple meanings:

Meanings of Angst in Urdu:

  1. تشویش (Tashweesh)
  2. پریشانی (Preshani)
  3. بے چینی (Bechaini)

Synonyms of Angst:

Some synonyms of angst include:

  • Worry (تشویش)
  • Anxiety (پریشانی)
  • Restlessness (بے چینی)

Antonyms of Angst:

Antonyms of angst with their Urdu meanings are:

  • Peace (آرام)
  • Contentment (قناعت)
  • Serenity (آرام)

Nearby Words:

Some nearby words related to angst with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

  • Anxiety (noun) – پریشانی
  • Anguished (adjective) – مصیبت زدہ
  • Anguishing (verb) – تکلیف دہ

Origin of the Word Angst:

The word “angst” originated from German and Danish. It entered the English language in the mid-19th century.

Example Sentences:

  1. I woke up with a feeling of angst about the upcoming exam. (میں نے اگلے امتحان کے بارے میں تشویش کے احساس کے ساتھ اٹھا)
  2. She couldn’t sleep due to the angst caused by her unresolved issues. (اس نے اپنے حل نہ ہونے والے مسائل کی وجہ سے تشویش کی وجہ سے نیند نہیں آ سکی)

For more information about the word “angst,” you can visit the following websites:

Angst is a common emotion experienced by many individuals. Understanding its meaning and synonyms can help in expressing and dealing with this feeling effectively.