Angst Meaning in Urdu: انگست کا مطلب
Angst is a noun that is pronounced as “ahngkst” in English. In Urdu, it can be translated into multiple meanings:
Meanings of Angst in Urdu:
- تشویش (Tashweesh)
- پریشانی (Preshani)
- بے چینی (Bechaini)
Synonyms of Angst:
Some synonyms of angst include:
- Worry (تشویش)
- Anxiety (پریشانی)
- Restlessness (بے چینی)
Antonyms of Angst:
Antonyms of angst with their Urdu meanings are:
- Peace (آرام)
- Contentment (قناعت)
- Serenity (آرام)
Nearby Words:
Some nearby words related to angst with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:
- Anxiety (noun) – پریشانی
- Anguished (adjective) – مصیبت زدہ
- Anguishing (verb) – تکلیف دہ
Origin of the Word Angst:
The word “angst” originated from German and Danish. It entered the English language in the mid-19th century.
Example Sentences:
- I woke up with a feeling of angst about the upcoming exam. (میں نے اگلے امتحان کے بارے میں تشویش کے احساس کے ساتھ اٹھا)
- She couldn’t sleep due to the angst caused by her unresolved issues. (اس نے اپنے حل نہ ہونے والے مسائل کی وجہ سے تشویش کی وجہ سے نیند نہیں آ سکی)
For more information about the word “angst,” you can visit the following websites:
Angst is a common emotion experienced by many individuals. Understanding its meaning and synonyms can help in expressing and dealing with this feeling effectively.