
Anguine Meaning in Urdu: Definition and Pronunciation

Anguine is an adjective that is derived from the Latin word “anguinus,” meaning “snake-like” or “resembling a snake.” In Urdu, anguine can be translated into several meanings:

  1. سانپ کی طرح (sanp ki tarah) – resembling a snake
  2. سانپ کی نسل سے تعلق رکھنے والا (sanp ki nasl se talluq rakhne wala) – related to the snake species
  3. سانپ کی طرف متاثر (sanp ki taraf mutasir) – influenced by or resembling a snake

Synonyms: snake-like, serpentine, reptilian


  • مرغوب (marghoob) – desirable
  • معتبر (mutabar) – valid
  • موثر (mawazir) – effective

Nearby Words:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
Anguish Noun روحانی درد (rohani dard)
Anguished Adjective روحانی درد مند (rohani dard mand)
Anguishedly Adverb روحانی درد سے (rohani dard se)

Origin of the Word Anguine:

The word anguine originated from the Latin word “anguinus,” which is derived from “anguis” meaning “snake.” It entered the English language in the early 17th century.

Examples Sentences:

  1. Her anguine movements on the dance floor mesmerized everyone. (وہ سانپ کی طرح کے حرکات سے سب کو متاثر کرتی تھی۔)
  2. The anguine creature slithered through the grass silently. (سانپ کی طرح کا جانور خاموشی سے گھاس میں رس رہا تھا۔)

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