
Anesthesia Meaning in Urdu: Understanding the Concept

Anesthesia, pronounced as “an-uh s-thee-zhuh,” is a medical term used to describe a state of temporary loss of sensation or awareness. In Urdu, anesthesia can be translated as “بے حسی” (be hissi), “نشوونما” (nashwonma), or “بے دماغی” (be dimaghi).

Synonyms of Anesthesia

Some synonyms of anesthesia include:

  • Numbness – “سنسنی” (sunsni)
  • Unconsciousness – “بےہوشی” (be hoshi)
  • Insensibility – “بے حسی” (be hissi)

Antonyms of Anesthesia

Antonyms of anesthesia, along with their Urdu meanings, are:

  • Sensitivity – “حساسیت” (hasasiat)
  • Awareness – “آگاہی” (agahi)
  • Consciousness – “ہوشیاری” (hoshiyari)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to anesthesia, along with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings, are:

  • Anesthetic (noun) – “بے حس کرنے والی دوا” (be hiss karnay wali dawa)
  • Anesthetize (verb) – “بے حس کرنا” (be hiss karna)
  • Anesthetist (noun) – “بے حسی کا ماہر” (be hissi ka mahir)

Origin of the Word Anesthesia

The word “anesthesia” originated from the Greek word “an-,” meaning “without,” and “aisthēsis,” meaning “sensation.” It was first used in the early 19th century to describe the state of insensitivity to pain during surgery or medical procedures.

Examples Sentences

Here are a few example sentences using the term anesthesia in Urdu:

  1. میں نے اپنے دانتوں کی عملیات کے دوران بے حسی محسوس کی۔ (I felt anesthesia during my dental surgery.)
  2. بے حسی کی وجہ سے میں کچھ محسوس نہیں کر رہا تھا۔ (Due to anesthesia, I couldn’t feel anything.)

For more information on anesthesia, you can visit,, or