
Anemones: Meaning, Pronunciation, and More

Anemones, pronounced as “uh-nem-uh-neez,” are beautiful flowers that belong to the Ranunculaceae family. In Urdu, anemones are known as “جنس پھول” (jins phool), which translates to “genus of flowers.” These flowers have various meanings in Urdu, including “خوشبو دار پھول” (fragrant flowers), “رنگین پھول” (colorful flowers), and “خوبصورت پھول” (beautiful flowers).

Synonyms and Antonyms

Some synonyms of anemones in Urdu are “پھولوں کا جنس” (phoolon ka jins), “سرخی پھول” (surkhi phool), and “رنگین پھول” (rangin phool). Antonyms of anemones include “بے رنگ پھول” (be rang phool) meaning colorless flowers and “بدبو دار پھول” (badboo dar phool) meaning foul-smelling flowers.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to anemones are:

  • Parts of Speech: Noun
  • Urdu Meaning: “پھولوں کا جنس” (phoolon ka jins)

Origin of the Word Anemones

The word “anemones” has its origin in Greek, where it means “daughter of the wind.” This name is derived from the belief that these delicate flowers bloomed only when the wind blew. Anemones are also associated with Greek mythology, as they were believed to have sprung from the tears of Aphrodite.

Example Sentences

Here are a few example sentences using anemones:

  1. I planted anemones in my garden, and they added a burst of color.
  2. The fragrance of anemones filled the room, creating a pleasant atmosphere.
  3. She received a bouquet of anemones as a token of love and appreciation.

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