
Askedfor Meaning in Urdu: اردو میں مطلب

Askedfor is an adjective that is pronounced as “askt-fer.” It is derived from the verb “ask” and the preposition “for.” The word is commonly used in English to describe something that has been requested or desired by someone.

Meanings in Urdu:

  • مطلوب
  • مانگا ہوا
  • درخواست شدہ


Some synonyms of askedfor include desired, requested, sought-after, and wanted.


  • غیر مطلوب (Undesired)
  • نامطلوب (Unwanted)
  • منکر (Denier)

Nearby Words:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
Ask Verb پوچھنا
Asking Noun سوال
Asker Noun سوال کرنے والا


The word “askedfor” originated from Middle English and is a combination of the verb “ask” and the preposition “for.” It has been in use since the 14th century.

Example Sentences:

  1. He received the askedfor book from the library. (وہ کتاب کتب خانے سے مطلوبہ حاصل کرتا ہے۔)
  2. The customer demanded the askedfor item. (گاہک نے مطلوبہ اشیاء کی تقاضا کی۔)
  3. She finally got the askedfor information. (انہوں نے آخرکار مطلوبہ معلومات حاصل کیں۔)

For more information about the word “askedfor,” you can visit the following links:

By understanding the meaning and usage of askedfor, you can effectively communicate and comprehend its context in both spoken and written English.