
Aerial-Shoot Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Aerial-shoot is pronounced as “air-ee-uhl shoot”. In Urdu, it is known as “ہوائی شوٹ”.

Meanings in Urdu

  • ہوائی شوٹ کا مطلب ہے: (noun) ہوائی شوٹ کا مطلب ہے کہ یہ پودے کی بالائی حصہ ہوتا ہے جو بیجوں کو برآمد کرتا ہے اور پودے کو تناسبی طور پر بڑھانے میں مدد کرتا ہے۔
  • ہوائی شوٹ کا مطلب ہے: (verb) ہوائی شوٹ کا مطلب ہے کہ پودے کی بالائی حصے سے بیجوں کی برآمد کرنا۔

Origin of the Word Aerial-Shoot

The word “aerial-shoot” originated from the combination of the words “aerial” and “shoot”. “Aerial” refers to something related to the air or atmosphere, while “shoot” refers to a new growth on a plant. Therefore, an aerial-shoot is a part of a plant that emerges above the ground and helps in the plant’s growth.

Synonyms of Aerial-Shoot

Some synonyms of aerial-shoot include:

  • Stem
  • Branch
  • Twig
  • Offshoot


Antonyms of aerial-shoot with their meanings in Urdu:

  • Root (جڑ): The part of a plant that typically lies below the surface of the soil.
  • Underground (زمین کے نیچے): Situated beneath the surface of the ground.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to aerial-shoot with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

  • Seed (noun) – بیج
  • Leaf (noun) – پتا
  • Bud (noun) – کھلتا پہول
  • Flower (noun) – پھول
  • Plant (noun) – پودا

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  • The aerial-shoot of the plant grew towards the sunlight. (پودے کا ہوائی شوٹ سورج کی روشنی کی طرف بڑھا۔)
  • She carefully pruned the aerial-shoots to promote better growth. (انہوں نے محنت سے ہوائی شوٹ کو تراشا تاکہ بہتر نشوونما حاصل ہوسکے۔)

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