
As a Matter of Fact Meaning in Urdu

As a Matter of Fact: اصل میں، حقیقت میں

Meanings in Urdu:

  1. حقیقت میں
  2. اصل میں
  3. واقعیت میں

Synonyms of As a Matter of Fact:

  • Actually: حقیقت میں
  • In reality: حقیقت میں
  • In fact: حقیقت میں


  • Falsehood: جھوٹ
  • Fiction: خیالی
  • Untruth: جھوٹ

Nearby Words:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
As a result Phrase نتیجتاً
As a whole Phrase سب کے سب
As a rule Phrase اصولاً

Origin of the Word As a Matter of Fact:

The phrase “as a matter of fact” originated in the late 19th century. It is a combination of the words “as,” meaning “in the capacity of,” and “matter of fact,” meaning “something that is true or real.”

Example Sentences:

  1. As a matter of fact, I have already completed the task. (حقیقت میں، میں نے پہلے ہی کام مکمل کر لیا ہے۔)
  2. She is not upset; as a matter of fact, she is quite happy. (وہ پریشان نہیں ہے؛ حقیقت میں، وہ کافی خوش ہے۔)

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