
Asafoetida Meaning in Urdu: Aromatic Spice with Numerous Benefits

Asafoetida, also known as “Hing” in Urdu, is a pungent spice widely used in South Asian cuisine. It is derived from the resin of the Ferula plant and has a strong, distinctive odor. The pronunciation of asafoetida is “as-uh-FET-i-duh”.

Meanings of Asafoetida in Urdu:

  • ہینگ: Hing
  • شملہ مرچ: Shimala Mirch (Giant Chili)
  • ہلدی: Haldi (Turmeric)

Synonyms of Asafoetida:

1. Stinking Gum (بدبودار گوند)
2. Devil’s Dung (شیطان کی گوند)
3. Food of the Gods (خدا کا خوراک)

Antonyms of Asafoetida:

1. Fragrant (خوشبو دار)
2. Pleasant (خوشگوار)
3. Aromatic (مہکتا ہوا)

Nearby Words:

1. Spice (noun) – مصالحہ
2. Aroma (noun) – خوشبو
3. Resin (noun) – رال

Origin of the Word Asafoetida:

The word “asafoetida” has its roots in Latin, derived from “asa” meaning ‘gum’ and “foetida” meaning ‘smelling’. It was historically used as a medicine and a food preservative.

Example Sentences:

1. Add a pinch of asafoetida to enhance the flavor of your curry. (تھوڑا سا ہینگ ڈالیں تاکہ آپ کے کری کا ذائقہ بہتر ہو)
2. Asafoetida is known for its digestive properties. (ہینگ کو اپنی ہضم کرنے کی خاصیتوں کے لئے جانا جاتا ہے)

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