
Adverbial: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Adverbial is a word that is commonly used in the English language. It is pronounced as /ad-vur-bee-uhl/. In Urdu, it is known as “حالتی” (Haalati), which means “relating to a state or condition.”

Origin of the Word Adverbial

The word “adverbial” originated from the Latin word “adverbialis,” which means “pertaining to an adverb.” It entered the English language in the late 16th century.

Synonyms of Adverbial

Some synonyms of adverbial include:

  • Adverbial phrase
  • Adverbial clause
  • Modifier
  • Qualifier

Antonyms of Adverbial

Antonyms of adverbial include:

  • Noun
  • Adjective
  • Verb

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to adverbial are:

  • Adverb (noun) – “حالتی قسم”
  • Adverbialize (verb) – “حالتی بنانا”
  • Adverbially (adverb) – “حالتی طور پر”

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are a few examples of sentences using adverbial along with their Urdu meanings:

  1. She spoke adverbially to emphasize her point. (وہ اپنے نقطے کو زور دینے کے لئے حالتی طور پر بولی۔)
  2. The adverbial phrase added clarity to the sentence. (حالتی جملہ نے جملے میں واضحیت شامل کی۔)
  3. He adverbialized his speech by using descriptive words. (وہ تفصیلی الفاظ استعمال کرکے اپنے خطاب کو حالتی بنا دیا۔)


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