answer for

Answer for Meaning in Urdu: Pronunciation and Definitions

The word “answer for” is a commonly used phrase in English that has a few different meanings. In Urdu, it can be translated as:


[an-ser fawr]

Meanings in Urdu:

  1. جواب دینا (Jawab Dena): This meaning refers to the act of responding to a question or query.
  2. ذمہ دار ہونا (Zimma Dar Hona): This meaning implies taking responsibility for something or being accountable.
  3. تفصیل دینا (Tafseel Dena): This meaning suggests providing a detailed explanation or clarification.

Synonyms of Answer for:

  • Respond
  • Reply
  • Account for
  • Explain
  • Justify


  1. Ignore – نظر انداز کرنا (Nazr Andaz Karna)
  2. Deny – انکار کرنا (Inkaar Karna)
  3. Avoid – بچنا (Bachna)
  4. Evade – بچنا (Bachna)

Nearby Words:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
Ask Verb پوچھنا (Poochna)
Question Noun سوال (Sawal)
Responsibility Noun ذمہ داری (Zimma Dari)
Explain Verb وضاحت کرنا (Wazahat Karna)

Origin of the Word Answer for:

The word “answer” originated from Middle English and Old English, derived from the Old English word “andswaru.” The word “for” is derived from the Old English word “foran.” Over time, these words merged to form the phrase “answer for” in English.

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning:

  1. Can you answer for your actions? – کیا آپ اپنے اعمال کا جواب دے سکتے ہیں؟ (Kya aap apnay amal ka jawab de sakte hain?)
  2. I will answer for his behavior. – میں اس کے رویے کا جواب دوں گا۔ (Main us ke rawayye ka jawab doon ga.)
  3. Please answer for your absence. – براہ کرم اپنی غیر حاضری کا جواب دیں۔ (Barah-e-karam apni ghair hazri ka jawab dein.)

For more information and detailed definitions, you can visit the following websites:
