
Badger Meaning in Urdu: Multiple Meanings

Badger, known as “Bhainsa” in Urdu, has various meanings depending on the context. Here are a few:

1. Noun: بیگر

Meaning: A carnivorous mammal with a stocky body, short legs, and a distinctive black and white face.

2. Verb: پریشان کرنا

Meaning: To pester or annoy persistently.

Synonyms of Badger

Synonyms of badger include:

  • Torment (تکلیف دینا)
  • Harass (تنگ کرنا)
  • Annoy (پریشان کرنا)
  • Bother (پریشان کرنا)

Badger Pronunciation

The pronunciation of badger is as follows: /ˈbædʒər/.


Antonyms of badger in Urdu:

  • Ignore (نظر انداز کرنا)
  • Assist (مدد کرنا)
  • Support (حمایت کرنا)

Nearby Words

Here are some nearby words related to badger:

  • Badge (Noun) – نشان
  • Badgering (Noun) – پریشانی
  • Badgered (Adjective) – پریشان
  • Badger (Verb) – پریشان کرنا

Origin of the Word Badger

The word “badger” originated from the Middle English word “bageard” or “baged” which means “one who digs.” It is derived from the Old French word “becheor” meaning “digger.”

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  1. He was badgered by the persistent salesman. (وہ مستقل فروخت کار کی وجہ سے پریشان تھا۔)
  2. She ignored his attempts to badger her. (اس نے اس کی کوششوں کو نظر انداز کیا جو اس کو پریشان کرنے کی تھیں۔)

For more information, you can visit the following sources:

By exploring the meanings, synonyms, pronunciation, antonyms, nearby words, origin, and example sentences, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the term “badger” in Urdu.