accession number

Accession Number Pronunciation

An accession number is pronounced as “ak-sesh-uhn nuhm-ber”.

Accession Number Meaning in Urdu

The meaning of accession number in Urdu can be described as:

  • شماریاتی نمبر (Shumariati Number)
  • دستیابی نمبر (Dastiyabi Number)
  • قبولی نمبر (Qabooli Number)

Origin of the Word Accession Number

The term “accession number” originated from the Latin word “accessio” meaning “increase” or “addition”. It refers to a unique identifier assigned to a specific item or record when it is added to a collection or database.

Synonyms of Accession Number

Some synonyms of accession number include:

  • Identification Number
  • Reference Number
  • Serial Number

Antonyms of Accession Number

Antonyms of accession number in Urdu:

  • منسوخی نمبر (Mansookhi Number) – Cancellation Number
  • غیر قابل قبولی نمبر (Ghair Qabil Qabooli Number) – Unacceptable Number

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to accession number are:

  • Accession (Noun) – دستیابی (Dastiyabi)
  • Access (Noun) – رسائی (Rasai)
  • Number (Noun) – نمبر (Number)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are a few example sentences using accession number along with their Urdu meanings:

  • The book in the library is labeled with an accession number. (کتاب کتب خانے میں ایک شماریاتی نمبر کے ساتھ لیبل کی گئی ہے۔)
  • Please provide the accession number of the document for reference. (حوالے کے لئے دستاویز کا شماریاتی نمبر فراہم کریں۔)

Additional Resources

For more information on accession numbers, you can visit the following websites: