
Backhanded Meaning in Urdu: کج رو

Backhanded is an adjective that is used to describe a compliment or a remark that appears to be positive on the surface but actually contains a hidden insult or criticism. In Urdu, the meaning of backhanded is “کج رو” which translates to “kaj ru”.

Synonyms of Backhanded:

  • Sarcastic – تانیاں بھرا
  • Ironical – تاکیدی
  • Sly – چالاک
  • Insincere – ناخلوص

Backhanded Pronunciation:

The pronunciation of backhanded in English is /ˌbækˈhændɪd/.


  • Sincere – خالص
  • Straightforward – سیدھا سادھا
  • Honest – ایماندار
  • Direct – براہ راست

Nearby Words:

  • Backhand (noun) – کج رو
  • Backhander (noun) – کج رو
  • Backhanding (verb) – کج رو
  • Backhandedly (adverb) – کج رو

Origin of the Word Backhanded:

The word backhanded originated from the combination of “back” and “handed”. It refers to the action of using the back of the hand to deliver a blow or a strike. Over time, it evolved to describe a compliment or remark that is delivered in a similar indirect manner.

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning:

  • She gave him a backhanded compliment, saying his new haircut made him look less ugly. (اُس نے اُسے کج رو تعریف کی، کہتے ہوئے کہ اُس کا نیا کٹوتی سے وہ کم بدصورت لگ رہا ہے۔)
  • His backhanded apology only made matters worse. (اس کا کج رو معافی دینے سے صرف حالات بدتر ہوئے۔)

If you want to explore more about the meaning, synonyms, or usage of backhanded, you can visit the following websites: