
Astronomic Meaning in Urdu: انجمی

Astronomic is an adjective that refers to anything related to astronomy or the study of celestial objects, such as stars, planets, and galaxies. In Urdu, the meaning of astronomic is انجمی.

Synonyms of Astronomic:

  • Cosmic: کائناتی
  • Celestial: فلکی
  • Stellar: ستاروں سے متعلق
  • Planetary: سیاروں سے متعلق

Astronomic Pronunciation:

The pronunciation of astronomic is [as-truh-nom-ik].


  • Terrestrial: زمینی
  • Earthly: دنیاوی
  • Local: مقامی

Nearby Words:

  • Astronomer (Noun): ماہر فلکیات
  • Astronomy (Noun): فلکیات
  • Astrology (Noun): نجومیات
  • Astronaut (Noun): خلائی رفتار کرنے والا

Origin of the Word Astronomic:

The word “astronomic” originated from the Latin word “astronomicus” and the Greek word “astronomikos,” both meaning “pertaining to astronomy.” It entered the English language in the early 17th century.

Examples Sentences:

  1. The university offers a course in astronomic studies. (جامعہ میں انجمی مطالعات کا کورس پیش کیا جاتا ہے۔)
  2. She has a deep interest in astronomic phenomena. (انجمی پدیدوں میں اس کا گہرا دلچسپی ہے۔)

For more information about the word “astronomic,” you can visit the following websites: