
Amiss Meaning in Urdu: Multiple Meanings

Amiss is a word that is commonly used in English to describe something that is not quite right or is incorrect. In Urdu, amiss can be translated into several meanings:

1. غلط (Ghalat)

Meaning: Incorrect or wrong

2. ناقص (Naqis)

Meaning: Incomplete or imperfect

3. برا (Bura)

Meaning: Bad or evil

Synonyms of Amiss:

There are several synonyms for amiss, including:

  • Wrong (غلط)
  • Incorrect (غلط)
  • Improper (نامناسب)
  • Flawed (ناقص)
  • Bad (برا)

Antonyms of Amiss:

Here are some antonyms of amiss along with their meanings in Urdu:

  • Correct (صحیح)
  • Right (درست)
  • Proper (مناسب)
  • Perfect (کامل)
  • Good (اچھا)

Nearby Words:

Here are some nearby words related to amiss, along with their parts of speech and meanings in Urdu:

  • Amidst (Preposition) – درمیان (Darmiyan)
  • Amiable (Adjective) – دوستانہ (Dostana)
  • Amid (Preposition) – درمیان (Darmiyan)
  • Amidships (Adverb) – درمیانی حصے میں (Darmiyani Hissay Mein)

Origin of the Word Amiss:

The word amiss originated from Middle English and Old English. It is derived from the combination of the prefix “a-” (meaning “not” or “without”) and the word “miss” (meaning “to fail” or “to go wrong”).

Examples Sentences:

  1. Something seems amiss in his explanation. (اس کی وضاحت میں کچھ غلط نظر آتا ہے۔)
  2. She realized that she had done something amiss. (اس نے محسوس کیا کہ اس نے کچھ غلط کیا ہے۔)
  3. His intentions were never amiss. (اس کی نیتیں کبھی بری نہیں تھیں۔)

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