
Abstruse: A Word with Intricate Pronunciation

Abstruse is a word that often leaves people perplexed not only by its meaning but also by its pronunciation. Pronounced as “ab-stroos,” this adjective is derived from the Latin word “abstrusus,” meaning “hidden” or “concealed.”

Meaning in Urdu

In Urdu, abstruse can be translated as “پیچیدہ” (picheeda), “مشکل” (mushkil), or “گہرا” (gahra).

Origin of the Word Abstruse

The word abstruse originated in the late 16th century and was first used by English philosopher Francis Bacon. It gained popularity in the field of philosophy and literature to describe complex and difficult concepts.

Synonyms of Abstruse

Some synonyms of abstruse include obscure, arcane, esoteric, cryptic, and enigmatic.


Antonyms of abstruse include clear, simple, straightforward, and obvious. In Urdu, these antonyms can be translated as “واضح” (wazeh), “آسان” (aasan), “سیدھا” (seedha), and “ظاہر” (zahir) respectively.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to abstruse are:

  • Abstrusely (adverb) – پیچیدہ طور پر (picheeda tor par)
  • Abstruseness (noun) – پیچیدگی (picheedgi)
  • Abstrusity (noun) – پیچیدگی (picheedgi)

Example Sentences

Here are a few example sentences using abstruse along with their Urdu translations:

  1. The professor’s lecture on quantum physics was so abstruse that most students couldn’t comprehend it. (استاد کا کوانٹم طبیعیات پر واضح نہیں ہونے والا بیان بہت سے طلباء کو سمجھ نہیں آیا۔)
  2. The book is filled with abstruse philosophical concepts that require deep contemplation. (کتاب میں پیچیدہ فلسفی تصورات بھری ہوئی ہیں جو گہری غور و فکر کی ضرورت رکھتی ہیں۔)


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